Do You Know Why Online Business Directories Can Be Important to SEO?

You will require a strong local SEO plan if you are looking for ranking your website in local search results. There are several details you must get correct in order to rank well. One such thing is having your website listed in various internet business directories.

Lets explore different types of directories

Special industry online directories

Industry directories usually will be targeting specific industry type for example, Flooring Domain is one very well-known floorcovering business directory available online where most of the businesses related to flooring improvements such carpets, flooring mats, tiles generally register them.

These online directories can be quite similar to Yellow Pages that we all know about and most of us use them to find any vendor or service provider. Essentially, this business directory is online business listings meant for hosting as many businesses with their info.

Local business directories

Local business directories are the great way to expose your business for a local google search. It helps webmasters to promote any website in specific region or one country. Advertising in local business directories is a great way to build local citation. For example BLEEN is an Australian online business directory where any Australian businesses owner or webmaster can add business and create complete profile that include phone number, website link and all other contact info such as social media profiles, making it easy for customers to contact the business.

International online business directories

There are broad directories that include every conceivable form of business as well as more specialised directories that concentrate on particular industries or even regional locations.

There are other lesser directories, though, that will be excellent sources for business advertising and grow backlinks profile. For example Industry Link Online is online multicategory business directory where all businesses related to the following categories can be found:

  • Automotive
  • Beauty
  • Education
  • Entertainment
  • Finances
  • Health
  • Pets
  • Real estate
  • Many other trades

Each of these company directories serves as a platform for the listing of companies in a specific market, group, or sector. It registers a company’s open data, including its name, address, social media accounts, photos, and more.

How all these media can influence local SEO?

Your website will receive a backlink from online directories, which will raise its position in local search results. Although there are many different ranking variables, backlinks still have a significant impact on how well you perform for particular keywords.

Backlinks serve as online site votes. The more authoritative is your site in Google’s eyes, the more high-quality as well as relevant backlinks you have, which can only result in improved rankings.

In fact, the most significant local ranking factor, according to Search Engine Journal, is claiming your Google’s My Business Page. Additionally, a backlink from one of the majority of web directories will be quite influential.

Find your directories for listing your business

We advise starting with the Google My Business, Bing Places, and Yelp if you have not already submitted to any directories. It is now time to move on to smaller business directories once you have finished them.

Remember that your company name, address, and contact number should all be the same when you submit to directories. Therefore, you should amend any older submissions that don’t include your most up-to-date company information.

Local business directories offer free or any paid plans, but almost all offer the same great service: marketing and promoting your business.

The benefits of having your company listed in local directories are as follows:

  • Improve online presence
  • Increase your brand awareness
  • Boost local search
  • Receive feedbacks and reviews from customers
  • Enhance reputation

As a result, it will help you to boost your SEO so that your company’s website will appear on the results of all search engines.