Do you feel dizzy? Chiropractic Care Could Help With Vertigo!

We all become dizzy sometimes, whether standing up too quickly or staring at an optical illusion for too long. The sensation of instability might be distressing, but it pales compared to the sensation of vertigo.

Vertigo is dizziness mixed with a sense of movement or spinning, even while standing completely still. Vertigo may be debilitating in daily life since it can make you feel nauseous, make walking difficult, and even interfere with your eyesight and hearing.

There are many causes of vertigo, most of which concern how your inner ear and brain connect. Chiropractic treatments may be the best treatment for your dizziness because of the neurological link. The ideal Spine assists chiropractors in learning and implementing the procedures required to help patients overcome vertigo by concentrating on the Spine and its relationship to the body.

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Vertigo causes and symptoms

It is relatively simple to determine whether you have vertigo by checking for the telltale signs: dizziness followed by a spinning feeling. Other symptoms of vertigo include headache, tinnitus; nausea; vomiting; sweating; swaying, and inability to balance.

Vertigo is a frequent symptom in people with neck or head injuries, generally caused by a disruption in the nerve pathways leaving the spinal column.

Vertigo is usually caused by injury or disturbance in your vestibular system or inner ear. Ear infections, pressure fluctuations, and particle movement inside the inner ear may contribute to dizziness.

Chiropractic treatment for vertigo

Chiropractic therapy may be able to alleviate your vertigo symptoms via various exercises or manipulations.

Chiropractic adjustments or manipulations may help relieve a kind of vertigo known as cervical vertigo. This kind of vertigo is produced by poorly moving joints in the cervical Spine due to a neck injury, which leads to the brain receiving inaccurate information regarding movement and body position. This misinformation may make you dizzy. Manipulations may be able to realign the cervical Spine’s joints and vertebrae, rectifying neural pathways and allowing for better communication.

The movement of crystals around the inner ear causes benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), a more prevalent kind of vertigo. These crystals originate in your otolith organs and cause you to be sensitive to gravity. They may move out of the organ and into other sections of the vestibular labyrinth, affecting your centre of balance and making you dizzy for a short period.

Your chiropractor may perform the Epley procedure to assist with correct BPPV, which involves moving your head into various positions to rearrange the crystals within your inner ear.

Your chiropractor may also teach you a few home exercises that may assist the vestibular system and how it interacts with your brain.